Parables in Bloom packets offer students an opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of Jesus’ parables by completing a unique activity for each of the Bloom’s Taxonomy levels.
MS-LS1-5: Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of organisms.
LS1.B: Growt...
Remember: Cut and paste to recall the order of events in the parable
Understand: Short answer to display understanding of the parable
Apply: Matching and sho...
Remember: Short answer to recall what the main characters in the parable did.
Understand: Define vocabulary words to help summarize the main idea of the parabl... Read More...
Remember: Cut and paste categorize to recall the main characters of the parable
Understand: Sumarize the parable to display understanding
Apply: Short answer re...
Remember: Recall the parable: Who, What, When, Where
Understand: Short answer to display understanding
Apply: Illustrate what grew from each of the seeds as tol... Read More...
Remember: Define new vocabulary words from the parable
Understand: Short answer to display understanding
Apply: Ranking and reflecting on the "places of honor" ... Read More...
Remember: Short answer to recall the parable
Understand: Short answer to display understanding
Apply: Matching words with actions to fulfill them
Analyze: De...
Remember: Short answer to recall the parable
Understand: Short answer to display understanding
Apply: Illustrating a comic strip of the parable
Analyze: Read or...
Remember: Fill in the blanks to complete the parable
Understand: Short answer to display understanding
Apply: Illustrating the two houses that Jesus describes i... Read More...