MS-LS1-5: Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of organisms.
LS1.B: Growt...
Remember: Cut and paste to recall the order of events in the parable
Understand: Short answer to display understanding of the parable
Apply: Matching and sho...
Remember: Short answer to recall what the main characters in the parable did.
Understand: Define vocabulary words to help summarize the main idea of the parabl... Read More...
Remember: Cut and paste categorize to recall the main characters of the parable
Understand: Sumarize the parable to display understanding
Apply: Short answer re...
Jesus told this story to teach us how important it is to practice forgiveness. Students will read the story about the master and his servant. They will have th... Read More...
Jesus told this story to teach us we shouldn't be concerned about what others do or receive on earth, for all our rewards will be the same in the Kingdom of God... Read More...
Remember: Recall the parable: Who, What, When, Where
Understand: Short answer to display understanding
Apply: Illustrate what grew from each of the seeds as tol... Read More...
Remember: Define new vocabulary words from the parable
Understand: Short answer to display understanding
Apply: Ranking and reflecting on the "places of honor" ... Read More...
Remember: Short answer to recall the parable
Understand: Short answer to display understanding
Apply: Matching words with actions to fulfill them
Analyze: De...