Remember: Short answer to recall what the main characters in the parable did.
Understand: Define vocabulary words to help summarize the main idea of the parabl... Read More...
Remember: Cut and paste categorize to recall the main characters of the parable
Understand: Sumarize the parable to display understanding
Apply: Short answer re...
These biography packs were created to enhance your teaching of biographical writing! Use the templates and the anchor charts to create meaningful writing that a... Read More...
Students will:
Read a quick biography about Saint Valentine.
Discuss different ways people might express their love to friends and/or family members.
MS-ETS1-2: Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.
God sent ten plagues to Egypt to punish the Pharaoh for refusing to free the Israelites from slavery. Now, after the tenth plague, the Pharaoh has agreed to let... Read More...
Jesus loves everyone regardless of what they believe or where they come from. Today you will read an example of this love in the story of Jesus and the Samarita... Read More...
Jesus often spoke to and blessed crowds of people. But how did He feel specifically about children? Today you will read a story about how Jesus shared His love ... Read More...
Jesus performed many incredible miracles throughout His life. Today you will read and respond to the story of the very first miracle He ever performed.
Level: ...