Jesus wants all people to have faith in the Lord. In this story, Peter’s faith allows him to walk on water with Jesus… until he becomes scared and his faith st... Read More...
Jesus performed miracles with the purpose of opening peoples’ eyes to the power of the Lord. In this story, Jesus convinces 4 men to become his disciples after... Read More...
This Bible Story includes the sections "Think", "Write", and "Act". There are thoughtful questions for before and after reading the scripture story of The Asce... Read More...
The story ‘An Angel Visits Mary’ tells us how God asked a young lady to be the special mother of His Son.
Students will read this simple text about the Angel... Read More...
Even though Jesus was the Son of God, he suffered greatly in the final days and hours of his life.
After your students read the story of Jesus’ crucifixion the... Read More...
Did Jesus get a fair trial? Let your students decide!
After reading this story about the trial of Jesus and learning how he was sentenced to death, your stu... Read More...
One of the most dramatic scenes in the life of Jesus unfolds in the story of His betrayal and arrest. After reading the story, students are asked to write abou... Read More...
The Last Supper was Jesus’ last meal with His disciples. What would He say to them? How would they respond? In this famous Bible story, Jesus predicts his be... Read More...