Students will write their blessings and create a basket to take home for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Students can ask friends or family members to add their own ... Read More...
Students can list what they are thankful for and decorate/color the placement. It's a great gift to take home for Thanksgiving dinner or lunch.
Level: K-2
This card honors Mary, and can be used all year long in your classroom. With two prayers to choose from, both younger and older students will be able to make ca... Read More...
Students will brainstorm 5 qualities that make them special and that they bring to the classroom for the new school year. Students will write a quality or chara... Read More...
Download the memory book in PowerPoint format, add your school name to the cover page, print a copy for each student, and watch them customize their books as an... Read More...
This easy to make Father’s Day Card will allow students to express their love for their father or special male in their life.
Level: K-2
Download Craft: Fathe...
Students will have lots of fun making a Father's Day card with the letters - D.A.D. Letter templates are included for printing.
Level: Grades K-2
This Mother’s Day craft is a perfect way to help your students reflect on the goodness in their mothers. The final product becomes a tasteful gift for them to b... Read More...
Students will decorate numbers 1 through 7, using various materials according to the creation story in the Book of Genesis.
Each number's decoration will exp...