The story of creation leaves us thanking God for all he has done and all he has created for us. The students will create prayers full of thanks and gratitude wh... Read More...
This meditation is a meditation and movement designed for our younger students. This will be an introduction on deep thinking about a specific biblical referenc... Read More...
This template is for elementary school students or teachers to use to facilitate Lectio Divina prayer and Meditation.
Level: 2-5
Download Lectio Divina: 2-5 T...
This meditation is a song and meditation designed for our younger students. This song meditation is not for quiet time, but to start a conversation with God and... Read More...
In this meditation and visualization, we thank God for all he does for us. Students focus on nature and teachers can expand this meditation to fit their classro... Read More...
In Mass, we offer our neighbors the sign of peace. We wish others peace as Jesus has taught us with careful thought and consideration in this prayerful meditati... Read More...
Play quiet music with no lyrics playing or have a gentle chime in the background. It is best if there is a quiet low light, non-distracting environment where th... Read More...