2-PS1-3. Make observations to construct an evidence-based account of how an object made of a small set of pieces can be disassembled and made into a new object.... Read More...
3-5-ETS1-3. Plan and carry out fair tests in which variables are controlled and failure points are considered to identify aspects of a model or prototype that c... Read More...
Remember: Retell what the parable is about
Understand: Categorize actions that "share your light with others" or "not share your life with others"
Apply: Illust...
You are the light of the world! Student’s reflect on the way they “shine” in this journal prompt.
Level: K-2
Download Journal Entries: You are the Light of th... Read More...
Students are asked to write and draw about listening to their parents. For older students, an extension for a full paragraph is included.
Level: K-2
Download ...
Students are asked to write and draw about why Christmas is so important to us. For older students, an extension for a full paragraph is included.
Level: K-2
Students are asked to write and draw about why Christmas is so important to us. For older students, an extension for a full paragraph is included.
Level: K-2
Students are asked to write and draw about what it means to be thankful. For older students, an extension for a full paragraph is included.
Level: K-2
Students will:
Read background information about the season of Lent.
Reflect on the true meaning of Lent and how they can apply it in their own lives.