Understand: Define righteousness
Examine: Connect ways we hunger for personal holiness and thirst for social justice
Apply: Choose a social justice issue to f...
Understand: Define meek, Inherit the Earth
Examine: Identify a selfless person in your life
Apply: Contemplate what is keeping you from submitting to God whol... Read More...
Understand: Define mourn, comforted
Examine: Identify ways we mourn, and how we receive comfort
Apply: Write or recite a prayer to receive comfort
Extend: Re...
Understand: Define Poor in Spirit
Examine: Identify ways you are spiritually weak
Apply: Schedule activities to strengthen your faith
Extend: Plan a school M...
This leveled activity pack focuses on a Bishop's ordination. Teachers can choose from these materials to prepare students for the ordination. In addition, the... Read More...
MS-ESS3-3: Apply scientific principles to design a method for monitoring and minimizing a human impact on the environment.
Students will:
Read and discus...
The Mass Series is designed to assist teachers in explaining the Mass to their students. Each video, in the 10-part series, comes with a teacher guides and corr... Read More...
In part one of the Mass Series, Father Rizzo focuses on preparing for Mass, highlighting the following topics:
The importance of prayer throughout the wee...
In part two of the Mass Series, Father Rizzo focuses on the entrance to mass, with the following topics presented:
Procession into Mass - Reenactment of K...