Remember: Fill in the blanks to recall facts about All Souls Day.
Understand: Writing assignment about what All Souls Day is and how we celebrate it.
Apply: P...
Using only this print out and basic art materials, students will identify and examine the symbols of Lent: the grain of wheat, crown of thorns, color purple, pa... Read More...
This activity pack includes several printouts designed to give students a deep dive into all aspects of the season of Lent. Each pack includes the following d... Read More...
Help your students examine the tradition of Lent and how it brings us closer to the Lord through these thought-provoking writing prompts.
Level: 3-8
You are the light of the world! Student’s reflect on the way they “shine” in this journal prompt.
Level: K-2
Download Journal Entries: You are the Light of th... Read More...
Students will use this Writing Prompt to understand God's presence with them. They will write a prayer thanking God for being when them, especially when they fe... Read More...
The marking on the forehead with ash, marks our commitment to Jesus Christ and God. We want to show God that we are sorry for the wrong things we have done.
Students will make a list of 10 blessings they are thankful for. Next to the list of blessings, a one-sentence description on how they can share each blessing w... Read More...
During Advent, we prepare our hearts for Jesus. Students will reflect on how they can prepare their hearts in a practical way, during the Advent season.