Despite His crucifixion, Jesus continues to reveal the scriptures to the faithful. In this story, Jesus appears to two men who are feeling distraught over the ... Read More...
Zacchaeus goes to great heights to see Jesus. Jesus recognizes Zacchaeus’ efforts, blesses him, and Zacchaeus becomes a follower of Jesus. Read more in the Bibl... Read More...
David was the second king of the united Israel. His predecessor was King Saul. In this biography, you will learn about the critical moments in the life of David... Read More...
Jesus told this story to teach us about how much God cares. Even when we go astray, he will always rejoice when we are found again. Students will read the sto... Read More...
Jesus told this story to teach us about forgiveness and God’s love for us. Students will read the story about the father and his two different sons. They will... Read More...
A man asked Jesus how he should act to get to heaven. Jesus told him this story about being a good neighbor. Students will reflect on the parable and write ab... Read More...
In this lesson, students will read the next part of Jesus’ sermon. Jesus uses the symbols of salt and light to remind his followers to act in ways that bring go... Read More...
In this activity, you will read about the first part of Jesus’ sermon, where he teaches about what makes a person truly blessed, or happy. He speaks of differen... Read More...
Jesus wants all people to have faith in the Lord. In this story, Peter’s faith allows him to walk on water with Jesus… until he becomes scared and his faith st... Read More...