Jesus wants all people to have faith in the Lord. In this story, Peter’s faith allows him to walk on water with Jesus… until he becomes scared and his faith st... Read More...
Jesus performed miracles with the purpose of opening peoples’ eyes to the power of the Lord. In this story, Jesus convinces 4 men to become his disciples after... Read More...
Students will make a list of 10 blessings they are thankful for. Next to the list of blessings, a one-sentence description on how they can share each blessing w... Read More...
Students will independently complete a number of tasks related to the season of Thanksgiving:
Making Task: Explore actions the school community can do for ot... Read More...
Students will choose 4 specific goals they want to achieve during the upcoming school year. Students will learn how to create a goal that is:
This Bible Story includes the sections "Think", "Write", and "Act". There are thoughtful questions for before and after reading the scripture story of The Asce... Read More...
Students will review the events of the creation story and then write 3 ways to remind classmates how to be better stewards of God's creation. The use of sticky... Read More...
Students will read the story of creation and then brainstorm ideas about how they can take care of God’s creation. They will also act out the Bible story with ... Read More...
Students will examine their conscience with respect to how they treat all creation and write about their actions and feelings.
Level: 3-5, 6-8
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