Using only this print out and basic art materials, students will identify and examine the symbols of Lent: the grain of wheat, crown of thorns, color purple, pa... Read More...
This activity pack includes several printouts designed to give students a deep dive into all aspects of the season of Lent. Each pack includes the following d... Read More...
Help your students examine the tradition of Lent and how it brings us closer to the Lord through these thought-provoking writing prompts.
Level: 3-8
Remember: Students will illustrate a mini book about the life and legacy of St. Nicholas.
Understand: Fill in the blanks to complete sentence...
This Mini-book tells the story of St. Nicholas. It includes a vocabulary list at the back of the book for front-loading and/or review.
Three versions of this...
This lesson will enable students to gain an understanding of who St. Nicolas is and how his feast day is celebrated today.
Level: 2-5, 6-8
Students will use this print out, crayons, scissors, and glue to make their own paper stocking to put out on the Feast Day of St. Nicholas.
Level: K-8
Remember: Fill in the blanks to answer questions about the life and legacy of St. Nicholas.
Understand: Students will define the word "generosity" and recall t... Read More...
Using this Catholic Teacher Resources printout, students will illustrate a mini book and walk through the steps to calming down and arriving at feelings of forg... Read More...