Using only this print out and basic art materials, students will identify and examine the symbols of Lent: the grain of wheat, crown of thorns, color purple, pa... Read More...
This activity pack includes several printouts designed to give students a deep dive into all aspects of the season of Lent. Each pack includes the following d... Read More...
Remember: Short answer to recall what the main characters in the parable did.
Understand: Define vocabulary words to help summarize the main idea of the parabl... Read More...
The death of Jesus is something we, as Christians, mourn every year as we remember this story and the suffering Jesus endured for us. Today you will read the bi... Read More...
Service Learning is a cornerstone of Catholic Education. We show our community our values and appreciation by giving back. Within this packet, students can plan... Read More...
Jesus died for our sins and so we reflect on this passage from Mark that outlines the greatest act of love.
Level: 6-8
Download Lectio Divina (6-8): Crucifixi...
As God teaches us, everyone is capable and deserving of forgiveness. In this meditation, middle school students think about God’s words and prior knowledge to r... Read More...
Use this whole-school Mass celebrating the beginning of Lent.
Activities include:
Lenten 'peace chain'
Readings from Colossians and Matthew