Remind your students of the true meaning of Easter Sunday with this simple classroom display. When Jesus died for our sins, and rose again in fulfillment of the... Read More...
This downloadable Ppt game is a good way for students to explore the events of the Easter season. Customize the Ppt to suit the needs of your students.
A Learning Contract is an agreement between the teacher and students that specifies the work students will complete in a given time frame. The Contract allows s... Read More...
This game is a good way for students to review the events of Easter. Use the game as a whole class activity or let students work in small groups to play th... Read More...
Students will:
Design a t-shirt celebrating the resurrection
Write an acronym of Easter
Learn about the events of the Triduum
Level: 5-8
Download Faith...
During Lent, we prepare for this special celebration. Do you and your family have a Good Friday tradition? Many people go to Mass on Good Friday to remember Jes... Read More...
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
Identify the meaning of Easter.
Understand the importance of this time for Catholics.
Demonstrate the ab...