This lesson will enable students to gain an understanding of who St. Nicolas is and how his feast day is celebrated today.
Level: 2-5, 6-8
Students will use this print out, crayons, scissors, and glue to make their own paper stocking to put out on the Feast Day of St. Nicholas.
Level: K-8
Remember: Fill in the blanks to answer questions about the life and legacy of St. Nicholas.
Understand: Students will define the word "generosity" and recall t... Read More...
You may think you know the story of Jesus' birth, but do you know it with all the detail the Bible includes? Today you will read and reflect on the bible story ... Read More...
Students will:
Learn about the background of Advent and traditions in the Catholic church.
Reflect on ways they can renew their faith during Advent.
Create ...
3-PS2-3. Ask questions to determine cause and effect relationships of electric or magnetic interactions between two objects not in contact with each other.
The Christmas story reminds us that Jesus is God’s gift to us. His birth was a miracle. Students will reflect on this passage and how they can share their gifts... Read More...
Students will:
Read the Christmas story from the Bible.
K-2 Students will: Collaborate in pairs, or a small group no larger than four, to create thei... Read More...
Students will:
Explore the symbols of Christmas
Write a front page story about the events of Christmas
Level: 5-8
Download Faith In Action: Christmas...